WHAT got into her?!? She's never done that before, none of the girls have ever gotton up on the coffee table before! (Unless you count the time several years ago that Paris stood on her back legs, eyed the green apple slices I'd cut up for Becca and me to snack on while watching a movie, and snitched one.) Perhaps she witnessed the time (just recently) that Kate stormed the back door during our Second Annual Texas Thanksgiving and made a beeline straight for said coffee table, wherein a very expensive layered pesto/cheese/sundried tomato torte resided. She dived openmouthed into that torte and ate approximately a third of it in one gulp. Jack swiftly (for a change) foiled her and carried her through the audience right back outside.
We are dog lovers, but we're also medical people, and like things CLEAN. I don't go around bleaching every available surface the way I did while I was taking Microbiology (sorry, kids and first husband! I hope the fumes didn't take too many points off your developing IQs! ), but clean is still important.
Nope, little Critter, you are NOT allowed to stand on the coffee table. No matter how cute you are.

1 comment:
She's so cute! And is that Flat Stanley I see in the background?
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